Our Mission is to provide a caring community that challenges all students to become lifelong learners.
GO TEC on the Web:
We appreciate all the volunteers at Scott Memorial Middle School. If you are interested in volunteering at our school, please download and complete the form. Forms should be returned to SMMS at least two weeks prior to any participation. Click on the following link to download the form: SMMS Volunteer Form 2023-24 SY
Click on the link above to connect to the current SMMS Facebook page. Make sure you are connecting to this page. Previous SMMS Facebook pages are no longer current.
Click the following links: Breakfast Menu Lunch Menu
Wythe County Public School websites are in the process of being updated to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Interim website accessibility concerns may be brought to the attention of the WCPS Tech Department. [email protected]